Objectives & Benefits:
safety, energy saving and quality management

Leverage technological advances to meet the needs of our customers. Optimizing their time and resources is our goal. This is what we have strived to achieve in the design and development of our products designed for easy and user-friendly use. To this end, we have devised the “Renoutet” application, the most effective solution for the control and monitoring of your cold rooms remotely.



Ensure the security

  • Reliable and safe management of the cold chain so that food retains all its nutritional and nutritional properties,,
  • Control variations in temperature and humidity and be informed instantly if the authorized interval is exceeded,
  • Monitor the duration of door openings within the authorized periods and be informed instantly if they are exceeded.
  • Monitor door openings in unauthorized periods and be informed instantly in the event of an anomaly.
  • Monitor the defrost cycle and be informed instantly if the maximum authorized period is exceeded.
  • Check the correct electricity supply in the room and be informed instantly in the event of a breakdown.


Minimize charges

  • Optimize energy consumption and thereby reduce ongoing electricity costs by controlling door openings and temperature loss.
  • Avoid excessive opening of doors which increases energy consumption.
  • Intervene in real time in the event of your equipment failure :
    • Exceeding the icing or defrosting cycle: Increased energy consumption.
    • The simultaneity of the defrost cycle and the cooling significantly increases energy consumption.


Focused on your business objectives

  • By allowing efficient management of the operation of cold rooms, this solution allows you better conservation of foodstuffs and allows constant improvement in the quality of your products.
  • Our solution is a solid asset for retaining customers who are geographically distant by allowing them to monitor temperature variations in stored goods.
  • Align with the requirements of international standards (ISO 2200 certification and HACCP method).
  • Minimize the risk rate and increase the quality of service could help you to conquer new national and international markets.


“In the past, to live in increasingly complex societies, we had to increase our humanity, now we just need to increase technology. ”

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